Nicolas J.S. Davies is a researcher for Code Pink and the author of “Blood On Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq”. Just a few days ago, he shared with us at the Florida International University his vision of what has happened in Venezuela. Many in the coalition put in their time, money and effort to make this happen right in the middle of a tight consensus in favor of military intervention in what can very well end up being our next Iraq or Libya. Imposed or not, it doesn’t matter, cause in the end it takes a lot of courage to speak your truth when most people are forced into accepting the false narrative that we can police the world with the same failed tactics of yesterday.
Davis, with the calm voice of a seasoned professor who not only knows what hes talking about, but actually wants to teach you something, simplified the process of regime change. The tactics are always, more or less the same, and they’ve been employed for decades now.
Knowledge is power and Davis used the historic list of failed interventions to back up his central position against these sleazy operations designed to bend every foreign peoples will to self-determination. He condemned the practice of applying economic sanctions to civilian populations to forced them into action. Besides being inhumane, it’s been proven by cold statistics that sanctions just don’t work a
On a side note, we were amazed at how efficient Davis as a speaker was with controlling his time; he used 44 minutes of the 45 agreed on. What natural precision!

Below, a live stream of the event where Davies talked.